Posts Tagged ‘Negligent Discharge’
Man Shoots Gun in Air, Hits Cessna Plane, Now in Jail for Attempted Murder
Today we look at a story from Fertile, Minnesota of a man who, like we all do on occasion, got annoyed at the sounds of the nearby airport. However where he and the rest of us differ is where we may mutter some annoyance about the sound, this man decided to grab his firearm and shoot at the bird.
Read MoreTeenage Girl Charged for Shooting and Killing Husband in YouTube Fame Attempt
We at Concealed Carry Inc. pride ourselves in the high level of safety that we adhere to and teach in our classes because all too often there are situations in the shooting world like this one from Norman County. Two young lovers, Monalisa Perez, 19, and her husband Pedro Ruiz, 22 were starting up a…
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